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Nouvelles en langue anglaise

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Ven 27 Oct - 4:32
Rappel du premier message :

About 2,800 JFK records released, others withheld (impossibilite de poster le lien pour le moment)


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Lun 8 Avr - 14:25
Donc apres ces chiffres, preuve que les promesses du Donald n'etaient pas faites en l'air, voila ce que 44 pensait d'elle en 2016 Smile 

et, pourquoi Obama ne pouvait pas - a moins qu'il ne voulait pas (ideologie de la globalisation) - resoudre le probleme: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Younes Terre
Younes Terre
Messages : 4510
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2018

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Lun 8 Avr - 19:38

A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy

The rise of Candida auris embodies a serious and growing public health threat: drug-resistant germs.

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Messages : 7134
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2017

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Lun 8 Avr - 20:13
351 -
(le clip proposé plus haut par l'essellente Sylvette : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Bon sang, en 2016, il avait déjà pris un tel coup de vieux El Antiguo Mundial Presidente ! Dans mon esprit je le voyais plus jeune. Il parle bien. Il est très Schumpétérien : il adhère à la thèse de la destruction créatrice dans le domaine de l'emploi. Une tendance éspérimentalement vérifiée, mais dont les effets pour beaucoup sont plus difficiles à faire passer que de s'enfiler un suppositoire dans le sens de la largeur...Rien n'est parfait en ce bas monde, hélas. Ou heureusement, cela oblige à se dépasser.
Messages : 6064
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2017

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Lun 8 Avr - 22:17
Younes a écrit:A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy
The rise of Candida auris embodies a serious and growing public health threat: drug-resistant germs.

Antibiotics and antifungals are both essential to combat infections in people, but antibiotics are also used widely to prevent disease in farm animals, and antifungals are also applied to prevent agricultural plants from rotting.

Nous avons récemment parlé de ces problèmes à propos de l'intelligence animale et végétale sur un autre fil . Des virus et des bactéries s'échangent des infos pour résister aux pesticides et antibiotiques ! 
Messages : 7134
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2017

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Mar 9 Avr - 0:36
353 -
Kalawasa a écrit:(...) Des virus et des bactéries s'échangent des infos pour résister aux pesticides et antibiotiques ! 

C'est un scandaleux complot contre l'espèce humaine ! Que fait l'ONU ?!
Messages : 6064
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2017

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Mar 9 Avr - 8:03
Cher Eddie, dans mon for intérieur, je suis absolument ravi que des p'tites bestioles invisibles puissent affoler la seule intelligence de l'univers : l'humain !  alien

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Dim 14 Avr - 11:52
CNN analyst said Obama's child separation policy was done 'for their protection', slams policy under Trump


Samantha Vinograd made the eyebrow raising claims on Tuesday during an appearance on “The Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer. At no point CNN disclosed to its viewers in the chyron of her work at the Obama administration, where she held a number of roles, including being on the National Security Council.

When President Obama separated children from their families, it was for their protection. It was if there was a risk of trafficking or other kind of harm that might have been incurred,” Vinograd said.

But even if he did do that, why is Donald Trump saying that two wrongs make a right? Again, Obama wasn’t wrong, but so he’s saying that because something happened under President Obama, he’s repeating it and upping the ante.
That’s an incredibly poor excuse. He’s systemized that inhumane treatment that, again, Obama was doing to protect the children.
“Obama separated the children, just so you understand. President Obama separated the children,” Trump said. “The cages that were shown, very inappropriate, they were built by President Obama and the Obama administration –not by Trump.”
“The press knows it, you know it, we all know it,” he said. “I’m the one that stopped it.”

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Dim 14 Avr - 13:26
Certains elus Democrates ont cree des "villes sanctuaires" pour heberger des emigres illegaux. Les Democrates en general soutiennent l'idee. Alors 45 a eu une idee interessante, pourquoi ne pas deposer les illegaux dans ces villes. Cette idee n'est d'ailleurs pas nouvelle, Obama ayant regulierement fait deposer des illegaux dans des villes sans meme prevenir les maires. Mais bon, ca doit etre oublie puisque personne n'en parle.

Reaction feroce des elus en question!

Trump and Oakland mayor trade Twitter barbs over immigration policies

President Trump and a California mayor traded barbs over Twitter on Saturday, prompted by the president's repeated threats to release detained immigrants into “sanctuary cities.”

The exchange between Trump and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf also appeared to be triggered, at least in part, by recent New York Times articles about the president's immigration policies.
"So interesting to see the Mayor of Oakland and other Sanctuary Cities NOT WANT our currently 'detained immigrants' after release due to the ridiculous court ordered 20 day rule," Trump tweeted.
Messages : 6064
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2017

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Dim 14 Avr - 14:49
Tous ces élus immigrophiles ont certainement des résidences secondaires : qu'ils commencent à y accueillir des migrants !

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Dim 14 Avr - 15:55
Je suis tellement d'accord avec vous, Kalawasa!

Nancy Pelosi, entre beaucoup d'autres, a une residence a San Francisco, son fief (qui devient un veritable dechet., pas Nancy, je n'oserai pas, bounce, mais la ville; c'est d'ailleurs drole pour une defenseuze de la planete...), mais derriere des murs la residence, si elle s'insurge contre Trump et trouve immoral qu'on en mette un (mur.. Wink bon, elle ne serait pas contre y mettre 45 non plus Wink ) a la frontiere.. 

Ce qui est assez drole aussi, c'est que la gauche reproche a 45 de vouloir agir illegalement, alors que les villes sanctuaires sont illegales et qu'elle defend l'entree des illegaux sur le territoire americain. Mais bon, la logique n'est pas le forte du parti Democrate surtout depuis les dernieres elections.. Smile Wink
Messages : 7134
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2017

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Dim 14 Avr - 16:20
358 -
SylvetteB a écrit:(...)

Trump and Oakland mayor trade Twitter barbs over immigration policies


Je trouve Madame le maire de Chênepays, née en 1965, très charmante. Dommage que la photo la concernant à propos de l'échange de piques entre elle et Zé Donuts ait été retouchée par abc7 :
Nouvelles en langue anglaise - Page 15 1344502_051816-kgo-donald-trump-libby-schaaf-split-img

Sur cette photo ci-dessous elle est plus à son avantage, dommage que sa styliste ait eu l'idée sotte et grenue de l'habiller avé une toile de montgolfière :

Nouvelles en langue anglaise - Page 15 Dmq_6ESUwAUVaId

Ce joli portrait me fait penser qu'elle pourrait parfaitement orchestrer la "Mab Pride" que nous projetons avé l'essellent Kalawasa d'organiser en faveur de notre très estimée camarade qui risque le Manublues après s'être encartée chez les Walkers (pas jaunis du tout)!

Mais pour parler de choses futiles, la politique, je me demande comment Monsieur Gendre va prendre la prise à partie par beau-papa d'une mairesse de la communauté israélite ? Les dîners en famille autour de la table ovale risquent d'être houleux.

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Dim 14 Avr - 16:48
Mais pour parler de choses futiles, la politique, je me demande comment Monsieur Gendre va prendre la prise à partie par beau-papa d'une mairesse de la communauté israélite ? Les dîners en famille autour de la table ovale risquent d'être houleux 

C'est ce qui est extraordinaire avec The Donald? il traite tout le monde de la meme maniere sans exception. S'il n'est ps d'accord avec quelque chose, il le fait savoir.. Smile Je crois que Jared connait suffisamment bien son beau-pere pour savoir qu'il n'y a absolument aucune base antisemite a cette derniere bagarre.. Smile Pour qui choisit de ne pas le croire, il suffit de regarder la politique de soutien entre les U.S. et Israel, un changement avec l'ancien gouvernement!!
Messages : 7134
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2017

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Dim 14 Avr - 17:40
360 -
SylvetteB a écrit:Mais pour parler de choses futiles, la politique, je me demande comment Monsieur Gendre va prendre la prise à partie par beau-papa d'une mairesse de la communauté israélite ? Les dîners en famille autour de la table ovale risquent d'être houleux 

C'est ce qui est extraordinaire avec The Donald? il traite tout le monde de la meme maniere sans exception. S'il n'est ps d'accord avec quelque chose, il le fait savoir.. Smile Je crois que Jared connait suffisamment bien son beau-pere pour savoir qu'il n'y a absolument aucune base antisemite a cette derniere bagarre.. Smile Pour qui choisit de ne pas le croire, il suffit de regarder la politique de soutien entre les U.S. et Israel, un changement avec l'ancien gouvernement!!

De Gaulle a dit après qu'Ike fut nommé généralissime du D Day : "Einsenhower est un Boche, les Boches font les choses bien, Einsenhower fera bien son travail". C'est pour cela que je ne me fais aucun soucis pour Zé Donuts.

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Dim 14 Avr - 19:27
A voir le resultat positif qu'il a obtenu en un peu plus de deux ans dans des circonstances pour le moins hostiles, on ne peut que regretter ce qu'il aurait pu reussir si ses opposants n'avaient pas ete mus par le besoin de le detruire au risque d'endommager la nation. 

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Mar 16 Avr - 7:00
Very Happy

(J'ai tente d'utiliser le "spoiler" sans succes.)
WHILE WE WAIT FOR THE MUELLER REPORT, here's some Journalism 101
Mike Huckabee
April 15, 2019

In the calm before the storm that is the release of the Mueller report (at this writing, we’re still waiting), it’s been interesting to compare and contrast various media reports and musings. A relatively straightforward news account from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ends with this:
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) has made clear that barring a bombshell revelation in the Mueller report, she doesn’t expect her caucus to launch impeachment proceedings. ‘Impeachment is divisive for the country,’ Mrs. Pelosi said in an interview last week. ‘I set a very high bar to cross that threshold because, really, people want us to address their financial securities or insecurities, and that’s our responsibility.’”
Setting aside the question of whether we want the Democrats in Congress addressing anything about our financial lives (short answer: OH DEAR, NO!), let’s contrast this passage with the ending of a REUTERS piece (thankfully identified up front as “Analysis,” but still) on the same subject:
“[Frank] Montoya, the former FBI agent [quoted earlier in the piece] said it should fall to Congress to decide whether the conduct found by Mueller warranted punishment such as the impeachment process in Congress to remove a President from office. ‘History suggests,’ Montoya said, ‘the impeachment process does not rely on establishing wrongdoing beyond a reasonable doubt.’”
In other words, never mind whether or not you have the evidence; go for it, Congress! That’s how REUTERS reporters Nathan Layne and Mark Hosenball end THEIR piece. (Also never mind that in the only modern-day impeachment to hit the floor of Congress, that of William Jefferson Clinton, there absolutely was evidence that established beyond any doubt at all that he had lied under oath. I digress.)
This piece, when viewed in terms not just of what it says but what it doesn’t, reads similarly to what we know the Mueller report is going to be, in that so many exculpatory details –- the ones you and I know because we’ve been following closely since 2016 –- are left out.
Take this paragraph: “To be sure, the investigation documented numerous contacts between Trump campaign figures and Russia, a willingness on the part of the campaign to accept help from Moscow, and no indication that the campaign told the Kremlin to keep out of an American presidential race.”
What it doesn’t say: There’s nothing wrong with having “contacts” with people who are Russians. Any campaign is going to have “willingness” to find out what it can about the other side, and there is nothing illegal about that, either. (However, it is illegal to pay foreign sources, which it seems Hillary’s campaign and the DNC –- apologies for the redundancy –- DID, through the law firm Perkins Coie and the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, who were working with Russians and Russian experts.) And if they want to say there’s no indication that the campaign told the Kremlin to back away, there’s also no indication that the FBI informed Trump of its suspicions that the Kremlin was trying to infiltrate his campaign. In fact, there is indication that the FBI deliberately chose not to tell him.
Now, doesn’t that give a much more accurate picture?
Going on, in REUTERS: “No criminal conspiracy was documented, according to Barr. But tantalizing court statements by members of Mueller’s team and evidence disclosed in various prosecutions by the special counsel had suggested on several occasions during the 22-month investigation that a different conclusion had been possible.”
Really? The most recent of the “tantalizing court statements” came in early February of this year, loooooooong after it was known by Mueller that the FBI investigation into “Trump/Russia” was based almost entirely on a hoax, and it was delivered by none other than head prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, who said in a closed-door hearing that Mueller was still investigating contacts between Paul Manafort and his Russian business partner, whom they alleged had tied to Russian intelligence. These contacts pertained to the issue of Mueller sharing some poll information with him and also to the conflict in Crimea (I’m really condensing here). The point is, if Weissmann genuinely thought this was significant, it apparently turned out not be, as assertions about Manafort’s interactions with his partner were corrected in a court filing three weeks later.
Here’s another gem: “There are also witnesses like Papadopoulos, the first former Trump aide charged by Mueller who initially cooperated but became increasingly critical of the special counsel, especially after completing a two-week prison term in December.”
What it doesn’t say: George Papadopoulos became “increasingly critical” after he started putting two and two together and suspected that he had been unwittingly caught up in a hoax strategy by the FBI to investigate the Trump campaign, with shadowy international figures obviously planting information with him about Russia having damaging information on Hillary. I don’t know about you, but if that had been done to me, it would certainly make me “increasingly critical.” But this piece, like so many others, doesn’t even scratch the surface of information that would be exculpatory. The Mueller report is almost certain to read just the same way.
To anyone who’s been closely following the FBI/special counsel story --- as in, not relying on the mainstream press --- a piece like this is horribly frustrating to read. Every few sentences, one’s mind rebels, thinking, “What about THIS? forgot THAT!, that’s not quite right...yes, Comey said that, but he is coming from some other planet.” And so forth. One typical claim is that numerous people associated with the Trump campaign have been convicted or pleaded guilty, minus the qualifier that none of the crimes involve Trump and/or “collusion” with Russia.
The REUTERS piece, when boiled down, says to us, “Wow, there was a LOT to justify the Mueller investigation –- such tantalizing stuff! –- but it hasn’t panned out, though in the final analysis that doesn’t matter because it should fall to Congress to decide on impeachment, and they don’t need evidence of wrongdoing to go forward.” For what it’s worth (not much), here’s the piece in its entirety...
A great palate-cleanser after reading this is Maria Bartiromo’s FOX News show, which this Sunday morning featured Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, the congressman who’s been releasing transcripts of the closed-door congressional testimonies of such major players as Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Nellie Ohr and, most recently, James Baker, who revealed that he had argued strongly in favor of indicting Hillary. (Guess James Comey didn’t think of his own top legal counsel as a “reasonable prosecutor.”)
The emerging story –- that the DOJ protected Hillary –- is the kind of material that the mainstream media simply won’t touch, at least until they absolutely have to. Imagine their resentment towards Attorney General Bill Barr right now for forcing the issue, when all he’s really doing is stating the obvious and daring to say it needs to be looked into. Heresy.
Bartiromo also interviewed North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows of the House Oversight Committee on the subject of another upcoming report (expected in 4-6 weeks), this one from Inspector General Michael Horowitz. He and Rep. Jim Jordan recently met with the IG, and they anticipate seeing criminal referrals from him that “correspond with what Chairman Nunes has already put forth.” Especially compelling is the role the media played in the FBI’s strategic leaking, and Meadows expects the IG report to specifically address that. He also expects AG Barr to go beyond the IG’s scope to look at roles played by individuals at other agencies such as the DOJ and State Department.
It seems that journalism has become so twisted around that the only place we can get to the pertinent facts is in conservative opinion journalism, backed up by conscientious reporters such as Catherine Herridge at FOX News. John Solomon, for example, is listed at THE HILL as an opinion writer, not as an investigative reporter. I’ve noted before that this is probably fine with him, as it allows him to connect some dots that a hard news writer might not feel free to do. And so far, the evidence we’ve seen has proven him right. It’s proven us right, too.

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Mar 16 Avr - 7:25
Sans rien vouloir oter au bon vouloir de Mr. Pinault, on peut se demander pourquoi cette aide genereuse n'avait pas ete apportee plus tot: ( 

J'ai tout-de-meme note: "C'est normal que eux (Les Etats Unis/Les Ricains) de leur cote, ben, ils ont tellement d'argent qu'ils ne savent pas quoi en faire, qu'ils renovent aussi, qu'ils nous aident aussi, a renover notre patrimoine, nous ont a peut-etre autre chose a faire avec l'argent! Ca me semble etre un equilibre" Smile Smile Smile !!! Je crois savoir comment il vote le monsieur. Smile 
Notre Dame Cathedral: Salma Hayek's French billionaire husband pledges more than $100M for rebuild

Salma Hayek’s husband, the French billionaire François-Henri Pinault, pledged almost $113 million to rebuild Paris’ historic Notre Dame Cathedral after Monday’s devastating fire.
Pinault announced Tuesday that he will draw almost $113 million in funds from his family’s investment firm, Artemis, “to participate in the effort that will be necessary for the complete reconstruction of Notre-Dame,” the French newspaper Le Figaro reported.
Messages : 7134
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2017

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Mer 17 Avr - 19:56
365 -
SylvetteB a écrit:Sans rien vouloir oter au bon vouloir de Mr. Pinault, on peut se demander pourquoi cette aide genereuse n'avait pas ete apportee plus tot: ( 

J'ai tout-de-meme note: "C'est normal que eux (Les Etats Unis/Les Ricains) de leur cote, ben, ils ont tellement d'argent qu'ils ne savent pas quoi en faire, qu'ils renovent aussi, qu'ils nous aident aussi, a renover notre patrimoine, nous ont a peut-etre autre chose a faire avec l'argent! Ca me semble etre un equilibre" Smile Smile Smile !!! Je crois savoir comment il vote le monsieur. Smile 
Notre Dame Cathedral: Salma Hayek's French billionaire husband pledges more than $100M for rebuild


Il doit voter LFI ! Very Happy  Mais il dit des khônneries, l'édifice est la propriété de l'Etat, son usage cultuel est concédé gracieusement au diocèse de Paris. Tout ce qui concourt à l'éspression des cultes est à la charge du diocèse. C'est d'ailleurs dit en intro dans le commentaire.
Notons, millefeuille administratif francaoui à l'honneur, que la ministère de la Culture et le ministère de l'Intérieur qui est aussi celui DES cultes se partagent la responsabilité de l'entretien et de la sécurité des lieux. Sans oublier la PPP, la Ville de Paris, le ministère de l'aménagement du territoire quand il n'est pas chapeauté par l'Intérieur, le ministère de la Ville, la Fondation du patrimoine, etc. Autant dire qu'ils se renvoient la baballe (à présent la patate chaude)...

Monsieur Michel Picaud, qui préside l'Association des amis de ND a beaucoup de progrès à faire en anglois s'il veut - comme le dit l'autre - que les "eux" qui ont tellement d'argent à ne plus savoir quoi en faire refilent un peu de blé pour mettre des rustines sur la cathédrale en voie de délabrement.

Dernière édition par EddieCochran+ le Mer 17 Avr - 23:28, édité 1 fois (Raison : concours de circonstances)

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Mer 17 Avr - 21:34
D'accord pour tout, Eddie (mais j'ai tout-de-meme du me renseigner pour savoir ce qu'etait le LFI. Very Happy Effectivement...  Very Happy )
Younes Terre
Younes Terre
Messages : 4510
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2018

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Lun 22 Avr - 16:19
(How) American Collapse Resembles Soviet Collapse
Six Ways America’s Collapse is Eerily Like the Soviet Union’s Last Days.

If I was to tell you there was a society in which longevity, real incomes, savings — not to mention, happiness, meaning, trust, and democracy itself — were all shrinking at record pace, what would you say? I’d say it was collapsing — whether or not its people knew it, or wanted to know it. Yesterday, that society was the Soviet Union. Today, it’s America. And it strikes me that these two collapses are eerily similar in many ways. Now, I’m not crying: “America is the Soviet Union, dude!!!111” — but I’ll come to that. First, the parallels.

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Mer 24 Avr - 0:38
Stocks close at all time high; oil at 6 month high Published April 23, 2019 FOXBusiness

Stocks closed at a new all time high on Tuesday as better-than-expected quarterly profits from some of the largest companies encouraged investors.
The benchmark S&P 500 index is up 17%, its best start to a year since 1987, while the Nasdaq has gained 22%, its best start since 1991. The Dow Jones Industrial Average remains about half a percentage point from its record last October.
Tuesday’s move to a record high for the benchmark S&P 500 index and the Nasdaq index comes less than six months after a sharp decline in late December, which led the S&P 500 to its worst annual performance since 2008 But stocks quickly recovered in the past three months as the Federal Reserve stopped raising interest rates and the Trump administration said it was making progress on a trade deal with China.

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Mer 24 Avr - 2:15
C'est pas beau ces pays de l'Ouest a la tete desquels on trouve des donneurs de lecon en empreinte ecologique et en compassion .. Smile 

Philippines' Duterte gives Canada 1 week to take back garbage or 'we will declare war'

Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday reportedly threatened to "declare war" against Canada within the next week if the country fails to remove tons of garbage that was previously shipped to Manila.
Duterte, in remarks aired by state media and reported by The Canadian Press, said he will "give a warning to Canada maybe next week that they better pull that thing out or I will set sail."
"I will declare war against them. I will advise Canada that your garbage is on the way. Prepare a grand reception. Eat it if you want to," he said. "Your garbage is coming home."

he garbage reportedly consists of electronic and household waste.
Between 2013 and 2014, Canada shipped tons of waste in 103 containers to the Philippines and ,in the years since, has been pushing the Southeastern Asia country to dispose of it.
When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited Manila in 2015, he said that a "Canadian solution" was being developed and said the situation would not occur again, according to the news outlet.
Younes Terre
Younes Terre
Messages : 4510
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2018

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Mer 24 Avr - 21:03
Macron’s Failure Is Ominous for France
April 23,

Macron was elected while promising a “Jupiterian” presidency. Seriously, he used that word. But recently he is reduced to giving hours-long speeches that remind one of a Cold War Communist functionary. This was billed as a listening tour. Here cometh the man, trying to breathe life into a dead political paradigm. But no amount of hot air can restore it. An IFOP poll released last week showed 85 percent of French people think Macron should pay more attention to their concerns. A Pew poll conducted last year showed that 80 percent of French people believe children living in France today will be worse off financially than their parents. Half of French people say their own financial situation has gotten worse or a lot worse in the last year alone.

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Messages : 6064
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2017

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Mer 24 Avr - 21:58
Michael a écrit:he is reduced to giving hours-long speeches that remind one of a Cold War Communist functionary.

You're right, Michael : a functionnary of the old world , not of a Startup Nation !

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Jeu 25 Avr - 12:54
Americans abandoning New York, New Jersey, other high-tax states

California's high-tax state exodus

Dolly Lenz Real Estate CEO Dolly Lenz and Dolly Lenz Real Estate Managing Director Jenny Lenz on high taxes in states such as California and New York driving residents to leave for lower-tax states.

Tax burdens Opens a New Window.  continue to weigh on the minds of the nation’s residents, as the highest-tax states Opens a New Window.  saw large outflows of residents last year.

“About 0.47 percent of people have migrated out of New York Opens a New Window. , which is the highest of any of the 50 states … it’s like 40,000 people,”  Dolly Lenz Real Estate Managing Director Jenny Lenz told FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo, adding that many of them are moving to Florida because “the taxes are so low.”


Ces nouveaux arrives ne sont pas particulierement aimes ici. La majorite d'entre eux arrive avec une mentalite de New York pas tres agreable, rien a voir avec la politesse sudiste.. et, une fois de plus, beaucoup continuent a voter Democrate (meme s'ils ne manquent pas d'expliquer qu'ils ont un QI plus haut que ces gens du Sud..)

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Jeu 25 Avr - 13:55
Café that charged a ‘man tax’ and gave women priority seating is going out of business

By Danielle Wallace | Fox News

lesbian-ownedvegan coffee shop in Brunswick, Australia, that made international headlines in 2017 for charging a voluntary 18 percent “man tax” will close its doors for good Sunday after less than two years in business.

Handsome Her, which opened as a “space for women, by women,” received backlash for what critics called reverse sexism. The café asked male patrons upon checkout if they wanted to pay an optional surcharge meant to represent the gender pay gap and offered female patrons priority seating.

While the business did not confirm or deny rumors of bankruptcy, co-owner Alexandra O’Brien said the Handsome Her team will continue to pursue its mission to drive change with “hands-on” work across Australia. O'Brien said allegations of sexism only proved “how fragile masculinity is” and confirmed the need to “confront and dismantle patriarchy.”


bon, mais, meme si la clientele "male" ne soutenait pas ce "cafe", c'est la fote a ses messieurs, si le business a bascule? Smile 

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Jeu 25 Avr - 18:09
Daniel Craig is James Bond, Rami Malek stars as villain in 'Bond 25'

By Jessica Sager | Fox News

"Bond 25" will have some familiar faces.

Daniel Craig is set to return as James Bond, while Léa Seydoux will reprise her role of 007's love interest Madeleine Swann from 2015's "Spectre," it was revealed Thursday.

Other returning cast members include Ralph Fiennes (M), Naomie Harris (Moneypenny) and Ben Whishsaw (Q), as well as Jeffrey Wright and Rory Kinnear, The Independent reports.

"Bohemian Rhapsody" star Rami Malek has been confirmed as the villain in the Cary Joji Fukunaga-directed action film.

The Oscar winner said in a video message, "I'm very much looking forward to joining the cast and crew very soon, I will be making sure that Bond does not have an easy ride of it in his 25th outing."

Billy Magnussen, David Dencik, Lashana Lynch, Dali Benssalah and Ana de Armas will also appear.

Producer Barbara Broccoli said of the as-yet-untitled flick, "Bond is not on active service when we start — he's enjoying himself in Jamaica. We consider it Bond's spiritual home. He starts his journey here. We've built an extraordinary house for him. We've got quite a ride in store for Mr. Bond."


Bond 25 was initially billed to be released on October 25 2019, leaving a four-year gap between the new film and the release of Spectre.
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